
9-Step System To Improve Your Writing

hey guys Shaunie Raja here and thank you for joining me I’ve got something really quite interesting for you today I hope we’re going to introduce you to my 9 step editing system that is going to help you to take a piece of writing that perhaps someone else has written or even that you’ve written yourself and apply an editing procedure to it that is going to help sharpen it up brighten it up make it much more readable and engaging so I’m going to just run through the nine steps with you first and then I’m going to give you an example of a piece we’re going to edit it together and see how you can apply this to change the nature of the of the document that you’re editing and improve it so let’s have a look at this foot the first step in this 9 step editing system is to do really a quick read-through of whatever it is that you’re going to edit particularly if you haven’t written it yourself it’s quite important to just get an overview of the whole thing before you begin editing so that you’re not going in completely directionless you have some idea of the territory and the boundaries of what it is that you’re going to edit it helps you evaluate the information a bit better the second step after reading it through is to just break it up this is pretty much a technical step you’re just breaking up the whole piece into separate points so that you know that this piece is composed of these particular units of points and that’s really important because then you can evaluate each point in its own terms and you know this this prevents you from just getting confused by the whole thing you know that ultimately the entire document is made up of a series of points so it’s important to know what those points are and to make sure that you can do the next step which is to make sure that every single point makes sense so if once you’ve broken down you know that’s a good way that you can begin to evaluate whether that you know ok does this point actually make proper sense and if it doesn’t you either have to find out from the person who wrote it what they meant if there’s any ambiguity in it and you know once you’ve done that you can be sure that you’re dealing with real points in each case okay so once you’ve gone through it and made sure that every point makes sense the next step is to delete any of the points that you consider non-essential to the piece because now you might you’ll be able to look at the whole thing and say actually this point I don’t really need it it’s not really that important or there could be things within that point little little phrases and things which you think are non-essential so now you’re you’re sort of separating the wheat from the chaff as it were you just make it you’re trying to leave yourself with a document that only contains information that makes sense and is essential to what you’re going to say the fifth step is to make sure that now each point which is essential and make sense is unique so that means looking through and seeing in particular whether any of the points have been repeated and so you’re duplicating the same idea or if you’re not distinguishing sharply enough one idea from another so that gives another layer of beauty to the piece that you’re you’re going to edit step six is to create look at these points now that you’ve got now which are all neat and tidy and meaningful and you’re going to look at basically the categories that they fall into they the chances are they’re going to fall into some broad categories so you know eat one point two points might fit in the same category for example so you know separating the points into their into their into blocks and I’ll show you how to do that in a moment now the reason we do that is so that these sections mean that you start to get a narrative structure to what you’re writing instead of them just being a bunch of random points where you’ve got you know something closely related to another point you know far away from that point and then it’s going to let’s get get all jerky or here you’re kind of neatly organizing the sections and and you’ve got a once you’ve created the sections you’ve got to make sure that the sections themselves flow into each other so now you know what each section is you know you decide does this section flow nicely into the next section and does that section flow nicely into the following section after that so you get an elegant flow between the sections then you take the points that you’ve got and you arrange them into those sections so you literally physically move the points into their appropriate section so if they were far apart before they’re now closer together and they’re flowing we’ve already got the sections flowing with each other so now the points will flow from section to section and the final step in the nine step editing system is now that you’ve got this new completely new newly written piece you’re going to make sure that it all hangs together nicely that it reads well and you’ve got cut you know simple clear and elegant language and the whole piece as a whole is going to look quite different from where it started from so now I’m gonna that’s the theory that’s those are the steps and I’m gonna go through them one at a time and I’m gonna do it with a sample document so when I show you a document that I’ve been looking at and this is taken from the United Nations website and it’s a particular section in there news and media category and it talks about their photo unit which is you know a part of the organization that has an archive of photographs that they offer to people so I’m gonna literally just copy that and we’re going to just edit that to see if we can use this nine step editing system to make it look better okay so here we go we go we can have it have a look here and see that that first paragraph is quite dense and then read it through for you one time just just to see the transformation that we can make here okay so its title is un photo which is refers to that whole unit and it reads the United Nations photo unit documents mandated activities throughout the UN system telling the story of the UN at its headquarters and the field okay historical coverage dates as far back as the inception of the organization I guess they mean historical coverage of the photos all images both historical and newly captured are available through the photo library as well as the UN photo website all images in the collection are available free for news and editorial usage while a nominal fee is associated with commercial usage the photo library’s mission is to make its collection available to media organizations governments and non-governmental organizations researchers and civil society at large in order to foster public understanding of the work of the United Nations and its goals the photo collection consists of original negative slides and digital capture in the photo archives since May of 2004 all images captured are digital while the entire collection is digitized the majority of images are yet to become publicly available clients may visit the photo library in person to do their own research in the photo archives and/or to search the digital photo database through the to public access terminals at their disposal service is on a first-come first-served basis research assistance is provided upon request so that’s the piece and you know um it has some good parts but I think you know generally it’s got a lot of room for improvement as well so I want to see if how we can apply this 9 step editing system in order to make this you know at least better than it is now I want you to understand this is not a full edit this is just a series of steps that are going to bring it to a point where you can then go on to kind of make other fine-tuning and tweaks to make it even more beautiful but what we’re trying to do is show that you can transform a kind of clunky bit of information a little bit some of the language is a bit abstract a bit technical and I just want to show you how you can how I can do that in it do this in a methodical way so that we did the quick read through that step one and now the second step is to separate the points so I’m gonna just try and establish as many points as possible from this as I go the United Nations photo unit documents mandated activities throughout the UN system now that could be one point it tells the story of the UN at its headquarters and the field it’s another point historical coverage dates back as far dates as far back as the inception of the organization all images both historical and newly captured are available through the photo library as well as the UN photo website all images in the collection are available free for news and added editorial usage a nominal fee is associated with commercial usage the photo libraries mission is to make its collection available to media organizations governments non-government organizations civil society at large the idea is to foster public understanding of the work of the United Nations and its goals the photo collection consists of original negative slides and digital capture in the photo archives since May 2004 all images captured at digital that’s another point while the entire collection is digitized the majority of images let’s just break that into two points as well the entire collection is digitized and just I want you to see the majority of images are yet to become publicly available you know what a point is so you know because you can stitch these points together in so many different ways but you first gotta understand you know it atomize it and just see what they are for what they are because then you can only then can you really evaluate how useful important each point is when when they merge together it’s very difficult as an editor to be able to you know to know that whether every point is worthwhile because it can get a little bit blurred clients may visit the photo library in person to do their own research in the archives and to search the digital okay let’s stop it there they can also search the digital photo database through the to public access terminals at their disposal services on a first-come first-served basis and research assistant is resistances is provided upon request so this is just the first stage okay we’re just separating the points out so that we are we know that you know this is what the whole article the whole narrative is made up of okay so now we move to the third step making it make sense so and by this at this stage what we’re really doing is just making it makes sense to ourselves so we’re writing it in a way that is easily understandable to ourselves so we basically go over each point and we say you know what’s it what’s it essentially saying okay so the United Nations photo unit documents mandated activities throughout the UN system so I look at that and I will take a copy of that because I’m gonna italicize the new point the way that I’m going to express this point so we’re talking about this United Nations photo unit okay documents mandated activities throughout the UN system and there you’ve already got something which is a little bit unwieldy you’re not very clear right and I get a bit of a clue from what follows it tells the story of the UN at its headquarters and the field so this photo unit you know keeps of record really of of things that the United Nations does so the United Nations photo unit you know records you know I think that you know the UN system just means the the places in which the UN operates which is you know around the world so the United Nations photo records the organization’s activities around the world see I’ve just sort of made it taken out all the sort of you know unnecessary over the official language there to really just get to the point you know United Nations foot Union you know records or keeps a record of or you know documents even the organization’s activities around the world its stick with their language for now okay mandated and so on is just getting a little bit too heavy and not necessary for if you’re just trying to say what this unit does right so see I’m making it already a little bit more user-friendly a bit more readable without really losing anything it tells the story of the UN at its headquarters and in the field you know so these photos that’s just the photos the photographs to help tell the story of the UN at its headquarters vary its headquarters and and in field okay thank you pressing that wrong button historical coverage dates as far back as the inception of the organization so again you know overall it’s not giving that clear picture when when the language is like this so you know I think the collection of photographs right the collection dates as far back as the inception of the organization I don’t know why it’s a capital o here it’s just an organization as far back as the founding of the UN or the organization okay so we’re making it again you know look at the step here we are just making it make sense to us okay so you’ll agree I hope that that’s closer to making sense than the original bit there now next one of all of all images both historical and newly captured are available through the photo library as well as the UN photo website all images are available through the photo photo library as well as as well as the UN photo website say at the photo lie because that’s it seems to be that’s a physical place at the photo library as well as you know on the UN or at there’s some via UN photo website okay again it doesn’t have to be perfect here at this point we’re just making it make sense to us a nominal fee is associated with commercial usage which I think just means that you know a nominal fee is charged let’s make it make sense to us a nominal fee is to charge it’s not so much just associated with commercial use is a very vague way of saying that a nominal fee is charged if the images are used for you know I think just means anyone seeking to profit from the images will be charged a nominal fee okay to me that’s a little bit clearer that that’s the that’s the point you know again I’m not not worrying about it too much I’m just sort of just making it make sense to me you may you may write it differently or you may be happy with the original the photo library’s mission is to make its collection available to media organizations and all these other people which to me is you know could be put simpler the photo library’s mission I don’t know if it’s a mission the photo library collection let’s say for now is available to media organizations governments non-government agencies non-government organizations non-government another word for organizations bodies just so we don’t repeat organizations researchers and civil society that large which I think just means the general public civil society at large is a very formal way of saying something much more simple the idea is to foster public understanding of the work of the United Nations and its goals so it’s basically saying that the the collection of photos you know the photo unit let’s say the photo you need exists to foster not find a foster but let’s leave it for now foster public understanding of the UN’s work and goals help improve okay the photo collection consists of original negatives slides and digital capture in the photo archives let’s see if we can make that point make more sense to us the photo collection consists okay / of negatives slides and digital capture don’t think we need to repeat in the photo archives or say that we just say you know digital capture so the different types of thing since May of 2004 all images captured are digital okay okay we can leave that it’s just saying that since that date they’ve been capturing all of those photos are in a digital in a digital have been only all the images have been captured in a digital format let’s say huh okay there’s slightly friendlier the entire collection is digitized so the entire collection has been digitized so I think that’s just saying that even those that were before night to May 2004 which were not digital have been digitized the majority of images are yet to become publicly available I’m not really happy with that like because there’s no real explanation of of why that is so it’s a little bit abrupt but anyway that’s what they say clients may visit the photo library in person to do their own research okay clients I’m not not sure the clients is the best for you know people can visit the photo library to do their own research in the photo archives okay and while while they’re there it seems they can also well there they can search the digital the archives through to public access terminals don’t need to say at their disposal the service I guess for those terminals although it’s not certain but the service is on a first-come first-served basis just italicize that okay I can live with that and research assistance again I guess while people are in that photo library is provided on request okay now it’s not the best language there’s a lot that I would change about that and and we’ll but at this point all I’m trying to get you to see is that you know we would go through in this editing system every single point and make sure that we understand it at least at least to some degree and anything we don’t we ought to get clarity on from the person who wrote it or make it clear ourselves you know we either we like to do that or we delete it because if we don’t get it then there’s no point putting it in and having it in the final piece so if you think that it’s not absolutely essential to understand it then you can just delete it so we’ve done step three which is to make it make sense and now what I’m going to do is to delete the original because I haven’t lost anything from that that I didn’t want to lose and I’m going to now keep what we have our new version of that which is slightly easier to understand at least for me okay okay so now we have a collection points that make sense and we’re going on to step five four which is delete the non-essential so what this means is that now that you have made everything made sense makes sense you now want to see whether there is anything that isn’t absolutely essential to keep I did a bit of that while I was going along and however I’m going to however I’m going to try to now look at it more closely anything that I think that this this piece doesn’t really need so the United Nations float unit documents the organization’s activities around the world the photographs tell or its photographs tell the story of the UN these headquarters and in the field I’m kind of thinking it’s sort of implicit you know it’s their work now that we’ve said you know it’s activities around the world it’s mostly in the field okay so they have some photographs at their headquarters but it’s that’s not really that I’m that interesting or important I don’t think so you know I would I would get rid of that the collection dates as far back as the founding of the organization okay I think that’s worth saying okay it goes back to when the orgonite since the organization was started so all images both historical and newly captured are available in the photo library and you know in these two places and I think both historical and newly captured it’s a kind of a waste of time because you know if they’re all the images dating back as far as the founding of the organization it’s old and new does it really need to be said it’s kind of obvious so I’ll take that out all images in the collection are available free for news and editorial usage okay editorial usage yeah okay I’m not quite sure exactly what that means beyond news but maybe magazines or I’m not sure anyone seeking to profit from the images will be charged an honorable nominal fee the photo library collection is available to media organizations governments non-government bodies researchers and the general public the photo unit exists to help improve public understanding of the UN’s work in goals fine the photo collection consists of negative slides and digital capture since May of 2004 all images have been captured in a digital format mm-hmm I mean I don’t find that particularly interesting although this is the point after it I do find interesting so you know this is ultimately a decision for the people who you know who have decided to do this and you know I have editorial control over this but for me and for our purposes here you know I’m gonna say that I don’t find that particularly interesting some of you may if you have a particular interest in this area but yeah it’s not to say who’s right and wrong it’s just to say just to show you that this is what we do when we have editorial control we can say well not really that interest in that the entire collection has been digitized okay the majority of images are yet to become publicly available and keep that people can visit the photo library to do their own research in the archives while there they can search the archives through the to public access terminals service to the terminal on the cert terminals I think it’s on a first-come first-served basis research assistance is provided on request so now we have we have deleted what we regard or what I regard as a non-essential and I’m gonna go on to step five which is make each point make sure each point is unique so this means checking through each point and deciding whether there is any repetition it’s I don’t see it in in in this case I think every point is unique but what you want to do if you’re editing something is to you said just make doubly sure that you’re not saying the same thing in two different places or what amounts to the same thing well where the distinction between the two points is so little that’s not V not be worthwhile okay we’ve got we’ve got something here where you’ve got it’s available the collection is available to media organizations and we do say here that images in the collection are free for news and editorial usage but I think the point is sufficiently different as to as to not want to you know delete either one of them although you know we may we may revisit that assumption at a later stage so okay so let’s let’s just say looky there there’s nothing that’s that’s deleted that’s sorry that’s non that’s that’s repeated so each point is unique we’re happy with that but you need to check that in your case now step six is to now look at these points and say look there are points but they fall into categories that are particularly distinct and this you’re going to find with any kind of document that they the points fall into broader categories and to try and discover what those are and this isn’t going to be perfect but this is going to just introduce you to the process we kind of say look at each point we say United Nations photo unit documents the organization’s activities around the world this is kind of like you know what the photo unit is or does that’s the kind of a broad category that it falls into it’s not a science actually I mean you know you can find different ways of organizing this material but again I just want to get you aware of the of the idea of categorizing things and finding blocks of ideas within the points the collection dates back as far as the founding of the organization so you know this unit actually and the collection that it has dates back right to the beginning of the organization so history of the photo unit let’s say that white might be a category the images are available at the photo library as well as flyer the UN website so this this concerns access to the photos or to the images let’s say so can you see now these these broad categories unit you will refine them and you can change them and I’m just doing a very quick edit here so we’re just I’m just getting the idea across all images in the collection are available free for news and editorial again this concerns access to the images anyone seeking to profit from the images would be charged a nominal fee again access to the images broadly speaking the photo library collection is available to media organizations governments non-government bodies such as again access to the images so we’re starting to see that you know these these different these various points are fairly closely related to each other and that’s probably why they are already close to each other in the original text the photo unit exists to help improve public understanding so this is about this is kind of again what the unit is and does if you remember that was our first point so can you start can you see that some points further down a real more closely related to some points further well that in itself is not necessarily a problem it depends the kind of narrative that you want but here we’re doing a basic narrative where we’re going to try and keep the blocks of ideas you know move from one to another without jumping around too much the photo collection consists of negatives slides now this is about the collection okay details about the collection it’s a bit distinct from what the unit does it’s distinct from you know access to the images it’s what they are what the images are okay the entire collection is digitized or has been digitized that’s also closer to this idea right oops so I’m gonna call it the same thing the majority of images are yet to become publicly available so most of them aren’t publicly available again you could kind of see that as related to details about it no actually it’s it’s it’s more about the access to the right so they’re not publicly available so so can you see it’s sort of you know it’s not a science and not an exact science but you can kind of see what I’m doing I’m trying to find families of ideas people can visit the folk photo of the photo library to do their own research you know again I’m gonna say I’m gonna say access it’s kind of related to its accessing them they can because they can look at these terminals okay services on a first-come first-served basis research assistance is provided on request so they’re kind of saying well okay you can you can get help with this it’s a bit of an anomaly it’s sort of help with assistance but I think they also do mean help with searching the database so you could kind of put it in that same category as well okay so you can see you you really want to apologize for that and keep pressing the button but you can see that there are there are going to be different ways but what you want to do is get ace a kind of a narrative in place now so that that’s where we’ve created the sections okay but but now we want to get an overview of the sections before we can make them flow because that’s the next step okay so when we want we now want to make their sections flow together so first of all we just have to remind ourselves we’ll get clear what the sections actually are and so how I’m going to find that out is by pasting this whole article again and I’m going to delete the the text and just leave the categories okay this is kind of I wouldn’t do this personally like go through all these stages in such a laborious way but I need you to know the process so I would just do this kind of a lot of these things at the same time and you’ll be able to as well eventually once you know the process so this is same so I don’t need to repeat that access what the unit is does that’s already have that details about the collection is another one access to the images we have access to the images we have okay so now we look at that whole thing and we say well there are at least four sections in this little piece okay okay but now we want to think about how to get these sections to flow together in other words if we were to number these okay which would be number one number two number three and this is where you can look at the overview of this and say well you know if I start by saying what the photo unit isn’t does that seems to be a reasonable place to start so I wouldn’t call that number one hist details about the collection that might be you know that would flow quite well I think actually on second thoughts I would say you know here’s what it is here’s a little history here are some details about it about the collection and here’s stuff to do with getting access to the images now I just want you to note how that’s kind of flowing you know if you were to rearrange that and started with access to the images you know and then followed it by history of the photo unit it it would be a lot less elegant so you can see in the original you have some of this structure in place but it gets a bit messy because you it splits up the access part of it you know some at the top and some at the bottom and that’s you know when we talk about getting a flowing narrative sometimes that’s the reason why a narrative is not flowing it’s because you really have to be able to look at it from this bird’s eye perspective and that’s the great thing about this editing system is that it teaches your trains you how to do that and what I’m going to do now is I’m going to dump the relevant points into these sections okay and this is gonna give a different kind of appearance to the whole thing okay I can’t balance that now but that’s okay so simple as this okay go to the top and I’m gonna say this point is in the section what the United Nations photo you need isn’t does okay so that thing goes yeah simple second point the collection goes back as far as the founding of the organization history okay third point all images are available at the photo library that’s access so here we are going into access then we’ve got a few access here so I’m going to grab more okay and put them all together down here you know this is a of course this a long winded way of doing it just to show you you might be able to just spot the categories and you know without having to write it under each each point okay and then we have another one of what it does and is so I’m gonna put that in that section okay bear with me because it’s important that I show you it this way details about the collection just so you get it details okay and if I remember the next one is also details and the rest are access okay so let’s add this to the detail section and finally grab the rest of it and put it here that’s access okay right yeah okay so now we can actually remove the titling has already made the sections flow and now we have done step eight which is put the points into their relevant sections that is step eight okay now let’s get the title back in here okay and now we’re ready for the final step so but before we do that I want you to recognize that we have actually we have actually taken the original and we’ve already transformed it by quite a bit okay so in a different place now organizationally and in terms of some of the language but this is how you edit the United Nations and now the final section is to make it read well so this this often means like you know combining points making them flow nicely together but hopefully we’re in a better place than before because we’ve got the ideas more closely related to each other it’s not it don’t won’t necessarily stay that way because as you go through the editing process you might think well that point could just be fitted in into in passing in another section you know further down this is not like the end of the story okay you can still make more but what you’ve got to look at editing is as a kind of continuous process of refinement to be able to get to that next stage you have to get to this stage and you’re in a much better position to make those final judgments now that you are here so just very quickly to to wrap this up I’m going to just show you a way that we might want to pull all this together to make a bit more of an elegant narrative than we had at the beginning so the United Nations photo unit documents the organizations activities around the world now I’m gonna refine that further and say make it a bit more because it’s it’s a very informal official sounding statement it’s and and such things as you know if you’ve taken any of my courses you know we’re trying to to avoid that and just say things in in a pleasant way okay the United Nations photo unit tells the story of the UN’s work around the world okay now I also don’t like capitals whenever I think that it can suffice as a description you know we’ve got UN photo here and when you read this you know actually throwing off right and United Nations photo unit with with all of those words capital letters capitalized is just a little bit less visually it’s a little bit upsetting and distracting and and takes away from the message so the United Nations photo unit tells the story of the UN’s work around the world okay the photo unit exists to help improve public understanding of the UN’s purpose and goals okay and then we’ve got this you know the collection dates as far back as the founding of the organization now I see an opportunity to do something like this bring that up a bit higher okay and say dating back to the founding of the organization okay it because you know we’re talking already about the photo unit it hosts and here’s where we get in an extensive collection of photos and here so we’re getting the idea that you know this is a we have to say what it what it has right so hosting this extensive collection of photos that help people better understand the UN’s work and goals we’ve got a bit of a repetition on work but like the purpose and goals or even mission and goals okay so I think that’s a little bit neater okay now here we you know we’ve got some flexibility okay and but the points are nearer to each other you know in a more you know orderly way than they were before which helps which lets us kind of now really sort a few we can still make little changes here and there and I like at this point to say the images and you could do this entirely differently the images are archived okay in our photo like you know it might be R and here it’s a place this photo library so I might leave that uppercase there it’s not too distracting the images are archived in our photo library and on the UN photo website again that’s a particular title on the UN photo website and you know I think they have a link there to that now and here we can link up with that point and say you know where they can be accessed in various formats including negatives slides and digital capture so okay so the United Nations photo unit tells the story of the UN’s work around the world dating back to the founding of the organization it hosts an extensive collection of photos that helps people better understand the UN’s mission and goals if you wanted to get more kind of exciting about it you could do things like you know an outstanding collection or you know whatever you could find another descriptive words I’m gonna keep it it plain for now they could have you know they could say an exceptional connection or a sort of something that makes it a little bit more intriguing and the images are archived in our photo librarian on the unit’s website where they can be accessed in these forms um now I’m thinking the digitized thing is a little bit gonna stand in the way of the narrative a little bit so I’m going to delete that and here we got that this this next section which is about access and I’m gonna say this part I like so I’m gonna move the furniture within this section a little bit right so I’m gonna because I think now I’m trying to build elegance through the points like I did with the section now you could you could do it in a more formal way but I’m gonna turn for for time purposes I’m gonna just do it here as I see it see fit so the photo library and take that point and where were we here and say the photos photos in the library are open tool okay there’s this kids us it’s it’s really open to everyone I mean we can do a dash here and say you know including and if I see I start to see a word echo with including here so where they can be accidental such as you can change out to such as the photo op photos in library are open to all including media organizations governments non government bodies and researchers we’ve said all so we don’t need to say general public which is not you know it’s not a great word so this is a bit more friendly and engaging right and then we can say something so the next point is about news organizations can use it for free okay so I might say something like this news organizations may use the photos for free but anyone see I’m connecting with this point anyone seeking to profit from the images planning its a profit from the images will be charged a nominal fee okay the majority of images are yet to become publicly available hmm I’m also because because of the way I’m editing I’m going to take that out I’m kind of my focus is a bit different so people can visit the photo library to do their own research in the photo archive so this is about getting in there into the actual building they can search the archives through the terminals services so these last four points okay and I’m gonna find a way I think that’s a really obvious point first-come first-served I should have got rid of it earlier but the rest could stay and we say two terminals let’s start with the terminals here so two terminals inside the library now we can go lower case because we’ve established with what it is two times I was inside the photo library enable researchers easily to search the archives search through the archives that’ll do and to make this last point a little bit friendlier our staff are also on hand for assistance okay so what do we have here something very very different from the original I hope you’ll agree and you know better I would say you make your own mind up on that but here is the here is the full version and you may want to consider you know we’re talking about the unit maybe you want change a headline to the UN photo unit as that as a description or maybe not up to you the United Nations photo unit tells the story of the UN’s work around the world dating back to the founding of the organization it hosts an extensive collection of photos that helps people better understand the UN’s mission and goals the images are archived in our photo library and on the UN photo website where they can be accessed in various formats such as negatives slides and digital capture the photos in the library are open to all including media organizations governments non-government bodies and researchers news organizations may use the photos for free but anyone planning to profit from the images will be charged a nominal fee to terminals inside the photo library enable research is easily to search through the archives our staff are also on hand for assistance you know that’s pretty succinct and pretty clean and I hope therefore that this all makes sense to you and that this system is reusable and very useful too to make sense and make a better create a better narrative flow for anything that you are writing or anything that you’re editing I hope you’ve enjoyed this and you know let’s talk again soon thanks guys

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